This is how we work, we prefer great quality to large numbers.
In all these years we have found our recipe. Its basic ingredient? Personally follow each stage of production, from the selection of raw materials to the bagging of the finished product.
Today, in addition to cured meats, our assortment has also been enriched with fine pork and beef.
We have been handing down the flavors of our territory for almost a century and over time we have embraced the highest technological standards, to control and guarantee the best product for the consumer.
In each production phase, our expert operators carry out daily checks aimed at verifying each phase of the production process.
At the basis of our work is the desire to guarantee the highest quality standards.
We are certified HACCP, BIO.
We have been IFS certified since 2022. A concrete commitment to improve the quality of the company and the product every day.
We cover a wide range of customers: butchers, delicatessens, restaurants, large-scale distribution. We have the possibility to produce under private label and we export to 5 European countries.